Have a Question
or Comment?
Email: livingwithsteam@gmail.com
Do you have any recordings from the Steam Era?
“Living with Steam EXTRA” was created to share authentic railroad sound recordings from sources other than John M. Prophet. Therefore, if you have any railroad sound recordings made in the era of steam and early diesels, “excursion” recordings, or those made along the mainline, please consider submitting them for sharing through the podcast. The only requirement is that the recordings are authentic (not staged in any way) and must have a story or historical significance of some kind accompanying them.
The sounds of trains - ANY TRAINS - are great as they are, but sharing the knowledge behind how the recordings were made and WHERE they were made offers so much more to the listener other than “here is the sound of a train.”
I can’t guarantee when your recordings will be featured in an “LwS EXTRA” episode since the inventory of recordings is already growing exponentially. However, there remains the possibility for thousands of recordings to be out there… waiting to be heard and not hoarded.
Please note I will not claim ownership of ANY recordings sent to for inclusion in the podcast nor will there be any attempt to monetize the podcast that features your recordings. Your recordings belong to YOU. I just want to share them and your stories.